Assessment and Investigation of Constructivist Science Learning
Environments in Korea
Heui-Baik Kim
Wonkwang University, Iksan, Republic of Korea
Darrell L. Fisher and Barry J. Fraser
Curtin University of Technology, Perth,
The constructivist view of learning has made
a major impact on science education, particularly during the past decade
(Treagust, Duit, & Fraser, 1996).
The implications for a science curriculum centred on a constructivist
philosophy were identified initially in a number of research studies which
focused on students' concept learning in science (Driver & Oldham,
1986; Pines & West, 1986; Posner,
Strike, Hewson, & Gertoz, 1982).
The constructivist view of learning has had a most noticeable influence
on curriculum thinking in science since 1980 (Wubbels & Brekelmans, 1997).
A constructivist approach to learning is
based on the idea that the learner constructs his or her own knowledge through
negotiation of meaning (Hand, Treagust, & Vance, 1997). Tobin and Tippins (1993) suggested that
constructivism has been used as a referent for building a classroom that
maximises student learning. In such a
classroom, the teacher takes account of what students know, maximises social
interactions between learners so that they can negotiate meaning, and provides
a variety of sensory experiences from which learning is built. Duit and Confrey (1996) noted the following
five assumptions shared by mathematics and science educators for reorganising
the curriculum and teaching to improve learning in school science and
mathematics from a constructivist perspective: first, more emphasis is usually
given to the applicability of science and mathematics knowledge in situations
in which students are interested; second, introduction into the curriculum of
issues of meta-knowledge about science and mathematics is needed; third, extinguishing students' everyday
conceptions is impossible and inadvisable; fourth, constructivist approaches
are student-centred; and, fifth, the norms and patterns of classroom
interaction are a fundamental influence on the effectiveness of reform
efforts. They also suggested that
innovation processes could be implemented in terms of developing new media,
including science textbooks, revising traditional content structures, and using
a range of constructivist teaching strategies.
Science education in Korea has been directed
towards producing academic, professional scientists over the past 20 years,
even though the main aims of science education at the primary, middle and high
school are assumed to help students to become healthy and creative members of
society with some necessary scientific literacy. Constructivist approaches have been reflected in the science
curriculum and teachers' guide to this curriculum since 1982. However,
conventional lecture-type class instruction and discipline-oriented approaches
have remained dominant at the secondary level, particularly the senior
secondary level, until recently.
Furthermore, there has been a general concern that the relevance of everyday
life situations has not been considered in science education (Han, 1995).
These criticisms were responded to in Korea’s
new sixth National Science Curriculum which tried to reduce the amount of
content knowledge and give an added emphasis to students' problem solving in
everyday contexts. This is particularly
so in General Science which was introduced as a compulsory subject for all high
school students and reflects the constructivist view. Students are expected to learn about and understand basic
scientific concepts through student-centred activities and negotiation. The content is organised in a way that
relates it to actual, concrete problems encountered by students in daily life. The intention is to facilitate the students’
understanding of science knowledge and the process of scientific inquiry (Han,
1995). However, other science subjects,
such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science, have remained
academically content oriented in Korea.
The aim of this study was to investigate the
extent to which this new General Science at the senior secondary level had
influenced the constructivist nature of grade 10 science classroom learning
environments. As students in grade 11
had not been exposed to the new curriculum it could be expected that those
grades were not as constructivist in nature as grade 10.
Over the past two decades, considerable interest has been shown internationally in the conceptualisation, measurement, and investigation of perceptions of psychosocial characteristics of the learning environment of primary and secondary schools (Taylor, Fraser, & Fisher, 1997). Results of research studies in this area have been reviewed in several books (e.g., Fraser, 1986; Fraser & Walberg, 1991) and reviews (e.g., Fraser, 1991, 1994, 1998).
Several instruments have been developed to
assess classroom environment. The Learning
Environment Inventory (Fraser, Anderson, & Walberg, 1982), the Classroom
Environment Scale (Moos & Trickett, 1974; Trickett & Moos,
1973) and the Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire (Rentoul
& Fraser, 1979) have been used extensively to assess classroom environment
at the secondary level. The My Class
Inventory (Fisher & Fraser, 1981; Fraser, Anderson, &
Walberg, 1982) and the College and University Classroom
Environment Inventory (Fraser & Treagust, 1986) were developed
for use at the primary and tertiary levels, respectively. Because of the importance and uniqueness of
laboratory settings in science education, the Science Laboratory Environment
Inventory was developed to assess the environment of science
laboratory classes (Fraser, Giddings, & McRobbie, 1995). Also in order to provide a questionnaire for
the study of the science outdoor learning environment, the Science Outdoor Learning Environment
Inventory was recently developed (Orion, Hofstein, Tamir, &
Giddings, 1997).
Although most classroom environment research
has focused on the assessment and improvement of learning and teaching, it has
done so largely within the context of traditional epistemology underpinning the
established classroom environment (Taylor, Fraser & Fisher, 1997). However, the traditional teacher-centred,
didactic approach to teaching has been extensively criticised and there is a
better understanding of the nature of knowledge development. Therefore, the Constructivist Learning Environment
Survey (CLES) was developed with a psychological view of learning
that focused on students as co-constructors of their own knowledge (Taylor
& Fraser, 1991). Originally, the
CLES was found to be valid (Taylor & Fraser, 1991; Taylor, Fraser &
Fisher, 1997) and to contribute insightful understanding of classroom learning
environment (Roth & Roychoudury, 1993; 1994).
But Taylor, Fraser & White (1994) found major socio-cultural constraints to the development of constructivist learning environment and developed a new version of the CLES based on critical constructivism, which combines key elements of the radical constructivist theory of von Glasersfeld (1993) and the critical social theory of Habermas (1978). The new CLES is composed of the five scales of Personal Relevance, Uncertainty, Critical Voice, Shared Control, and Student Negotiation, which recognise that the cognitive constructivist activity of the individual learner occurs within, and is constructed by, a socio-cultural context (Taylor, Dawson, & Fraser, 1995). Table 1 presents a description and a sample item of each of the scales of the CLES.
Insert Table 1 about here
Following small-scale qualitative studies,
the new CLES was found to be valid and reliable in its statistical
characteristics through two large-scale quantitative surveys of classroom
learning environments in Australia (Taylor, Dawson, & Fraser, 1995) and in
the USA (Dryden & Fraser, 1998).
However, as the CLES had never been used in Korea, an essential part of
this study was to provide cross-validation data on the use of the CLES in
Two forms of the CLES have been developed to
gather students’ perceptions of science classrooms. These forms are named the Student Actual and Student Preferred
(Taylor, Dawson, & Fraser, 1995).
Although item wording is almost identical in the actual and preferred
forms, words such as "I wish" are included in the preferred form to
remind students that they are rating their preferred, or ideal classroom,
rather than the actual classroom environment.
For example, the statement, "In this class, I learn about the world
outside of school" in the actual form of the CLES is changed in the
preferred form to, " In this class, I wish that I learned about the world
outside of school". It was decided
to investigate differences between students’ perceptions of their actual and
preferred constructivist learning environments in this study.
When classroom environment perceptions have
been used as predictor variables, associations between student cognitive and
affective outcomes and learning environment have been found. Fraser (1994)
provides a broad overview of these results which indicate that classroom environment
perceptions can influence students' outcomes.
In keeping with this previous research, associations between students’
perceptions of their actual constructivist learning environments and their
attitudes toward their science class were investigated in this study.
The CLES was selected to investigate the
extent to which the new General Science at the senior secondary level had
indeed influenced the constructivist nature of classroom learning environments
in grade 10 science in Korea. However,
before this could be done, the English language versions of the four forms of
the CLES were translated into Korean by one of the researchers. A back translation of the Korean version
into English, by people not involved in the original translation, was then completed. At this stage, it was verified that each
statement retained its original meaning.
Thus, the objectives of this study were to
investigate: first, whether the Korean version of the CLES is valid and
reliable; secondly, whether grade 10 students’ perceptions of the learning
environment of general science classes were more constructivist-oriented than
those of grade 11 students; and thirdly, associations between students'
perception of the constructivist learning environment and their attitude to science.
The CLES was administered to 1083 students
and 24 science teachers in 12 different schools, four of which were located in
the metropolitan area, four in a small-sized city, and four in the rural area
of Korea. One class of grade 10 students
and one class of grade 11 students were sampled at each school. The number of boys and girls were almost the
same in each local area, and in each grade.
The questionnaires were sent by mail, or delivered personally, with
information about the instruments and guidelines for administration.
Each student in the sample responded to the
actual and preferred versions of the CLES and to a seven-item ‘Attitude to This
Class’ scale which was based on the Test of Science Related Attitudes (Fraser,
1981). The data were analysed to check the a priori
factor structure of the CLES, internal consistency of each of the
scales, discriminant validity, and ability to differentiate between
classrooms. MANOVA was used to determine
whether there were differences in the means of the five scales of actual and
preferred versions between grade 10 students and grade 11 students. Educational significance of differences
between grades was assessed by calculating the effect sizes (the difference
between two means divided by the pooled standard deviation). In this process, an effect size of .2 was
considered very low, .5 medium, .7 high, and .8 very high (Cohen, 1977). Simple and multiple correlation data were
used to determine whether there were any associations between students’
perceptions of their constructivist learning environments and their attitude to
Validation of the CLES
first step in the validation of the CLES involved a series of factor analyses
whose purpose was to examine the internal structure of the set of 30
items. A principal components analysis
with varimax rotation was used to generate orthogonal factors. Since the instrument was designed with five
scales, a five-factor solution was considered.
Table 2 shows the factor loadings obtained for the sample of 1,083
school students in 24 classes in 12 schools.
The factor analyses, depicted in Table 2, support the 30-item five-scale
version of the CLES in both its actual and preferred forms. The only factor
loadings included in this table are those greater than or equal to the
conventionally accepted value of 0.30.
Thus, the results depicted in Table 2 confirm strongly the a priori factor
structure of the Korean version of the CLES.
Insert Table 2 about here
Table 3 reports validation information for both actual and preferred forms of the CLES based on its use in Korea. The alpha reliability coefficient was used as the index of scale internal consistency, while the mean correlation of a scale with the other four scales was used as a convenient index of scale discriminant validity. With the individual student as the unit of analysis, the alpha reliability ranged from .64 to .87 for the actual form and from .79 to 91 for the preferred form. This suggests that all scales of the Korean version of the CLES possess satisfactory internal consistency. It is noteworthy that the value range in this study, and the fact that the Uncertain scale has the lowest reliability, is almost the same as those reported by Taylor, Fraser, & Fisher (1997).
Another feature
considered important in a classroom environment instrument is the discriminant
validity of each scale of the instrument, that is, the extent to which the
scale measures a dimension different from that measured by any other scale. In this study, the mean correlations of one
scale with the other four scales ranged from .24 to .38 for the actual form and
from .44 to .50 for the preferred form.
These values can be regarded as small enough to confirm the discriminant
validity of the CLES, indicating that each scale measures distinct, although
somewhat overlapping, aspects of the classroom environment.
Insert Table 3 about here
Another desirable characteristic of the
actual form of any instrument like the CLES is that it is capable of
differentiating between the perceptions of students in different
classrooms. That is, students within
the same class should perceive it relatively similarly, while mean within-class
perceptions should vary from class to class.
This characteristic was explored for each scale of the CLES using a
one-way ANOVA, with class membership as the main effect. It was found that each CLES scale
differentiated significantly (p<.01) between classes and that the eta2 statistic, representing the proportion of variance
explained by class membership, ranged from .05 to .13. These figures are
relatively low and suggest that the learning environment of most science
classes is quite similar in Korea.
Most science teachers teach their students according to the textbooks which
have a close relationship with the National Curriculum in Korea. Science textbooks published by private
publishers must pass the screening procedures of the Evaluation Committee of
Ministry of Education. The Evaluation
Committee focuses on whether or not the drafts supplied meet the educational
goals, objectives and specifications of the individual subjects as described in
the National Curriculum (Han, 1995).
Thus, most of the textbooks have similar content and structure. This might be one of the reasons for the
existence of similar learning environments across science classes in Korea.
Differences between grades 10 and 11
In Korea, all grade 10 students have studied
General Science since 1996, when it was newly introduced, with the sixth
revision of the National Curriculum taking place in 1992. This subject places emphasis on students'
using inquiry skills with problems which they encounter in their daily
environment (Han, 1995). Textbooks
developed for this subject reflect a constructivist-oriented view in which
students are expected to learn about and understand basic scientific concepts
through their active involvement in the inquiry process and negotiation in
class or group discussion.
On the other hand, grade 11 students study
one of four sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, or earth
science. The goals and objectives of
these curricula also emphasise the constructivist viewpoint, but the textbooks
of these subjects still have strong academic content, even though topics
related to everyday life are included as examples and the nature of science is
introduced. Because most science
teachers depend on the textbooks and teachers’ guides in teaching students, an
innovation in terms of a curriculum and textbook would be expected to affect
science classes. Therefore, it was
considered that a comparison between the two grades would provide useful
information on whether the new General Science was influencing the
constructivist nature of classroom learning environments in grade 10.
Differences in students' perceptions of their
learning environment between grade 10 and grade 11 were explored using a
one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the set of CLES scales
as dependent variables. Because the
Wilks’ lambda criterion was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05),
a corresponding one-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was examined
for each of the CLES scales individually.
Table 4 presents the observed scale means and the differences in scale
means between grade 10 and 11. Grade 10
students perceived their environment as more constructivist for most scales
except Uncertainty, and the differences were statistically significant (p<0.01)
for the three scales of Personal Relevance, Shared Control, and Student Negotiation. But the effect sizes were not high (around a
quarter of a standard deviation). It is
also noteworthy that the actual mean score for Shared Control is lower than for
other the other scales suggesting that students perceive their teachers are not
sharing aspects of learning science with their students. Overall the results reported in Table 4
suggest that General Science’s emphasis on relevance with everyday life,
inquiry-centred learning, and social interaction had some effect on classroom
environment, but that this positive effect is not big enough to change
traditional science classes into highly constructivist-oriented ones. It is possible that more teacher
development, particularly regarding teachers’ readiness to implement a new
curriculum based on constructivist principles into their science classes, is
needed to improve science learning environments.
Insert Table 4 about here
Another pattern evident in Table 4 is the
consistent difference existing between actual and preferred mean scores for all
the five scales. Preferred means were
higher than actual means for these five scales. This suggests that students would prefer to have more
opportunities to be given personal relevance, to know the uncertain nature of
science, to express their critical voice, to have a shared role in the class,
and to negotiate meaning with other students than was perceived to be present
in the science classroom. This pattern,
in which Korean students prefer a more positive learning environment than the one actually present, replicates
past research in several other countries (Fisher & Fraser, 1983; Hofstein
& Lazarowitz, 1986; Moos, 1979).
Association between constructivist learning
environments and students' attitudes
Table 5 reports associations between the five
actual CLES scales and student attitudes toward the science class. Multiple regression analysis involving the
whole set of CLES scales was conducted, in addition to a simple correlation
analysis, to provide a more conservative test of associations between each CLES
scale and attitude when all other CLES scales were mutually controlled.
Insert Table 5 about here
An examination of the simple correlation
coefficients in Table 5 indicates that there were statistically significant
relationships (p<.05) between students' perceptions of learning
environment and their attitudes toward the science class for most scales of
CLES. Students' perceptions showed a
statistically significant correlation with their attitudes for the scales of
Personal Relevance, Shared Control, and Student Negotiation for grade 10 and
for the scales of Personal Relevance, Uncertainty, and Shared Control for grade
11. Multiple correlations were also
statistically significant (p<.001) for both grade 10 and grade 11
students. An examination of beta
weights revealed that Personal Relevance was the strongest independent
predictor of students’ attitudes toward their science class.
The main purpose of this research was to
investigate whether the science curriculum reform efforts in Korea had a
positive effect on the classroom learning environment from a constructivist
point of view. Grade 10 students
perceived more positively their learning environment of General Science,
which is designed so that students would learn about and understand basic
science concepts through involvement in an inquiry process and negotiation,
than grade 11 students who studied an academic-centred science curriculum. This result suggests that efforts of
curriculum reform have produced some positive effects on improving the science
learning environment.
In addition, three other achievements were
reported in this study. First, a
Korean-language version of the CLES was developed and found to be valid and reliable when used for the first time
in Korea. Thus the instrument can be
used by Korean science teachers and researchers to improve science teaching and
student achievement. Second, there were
statistically significant relationships between classroom environment and
student attitudes. The results suggest that favourable student attitudes could
be promoted in classes where students perceive more personal relevance, share
control with their teachers and negotiate their learning. Third, there were differences between
student perceptions of actual and
preferred environment in that students tended to prefer a more positive
environment than what was perceived to be present.
The present study produced several
potentially fruitful results, but typically indicated directions for future
classroom learning environment research in Korea. Versions of the CLES are available to assess teachers’
perceptions of their own classroom environments and differences between
teachers’ perceptions and those of their students could be a fruitful line of
research. Previous learning environment
research has indicated differences in the perceptions of boys and girls in the
same classes and this also would be worth investigating. Qualitative studies also are needed to
enhance our understanding of the results obtained from quantitative studies
like this one.
Whilst a number of previous studies have examined science students’ perceptions of their learning environments, this study is distinctive in that it is the first to be completed in Korea. A particular value of this study is that it identifies differing perceptions and outcomes between different grades of students, providing teachers with important information that could help improve the quality of the teaching and learning process in both grades, but particularly in grade 11.
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I. Description of Scales and Sample Items for the CLES
Scale Description Sample
Personal Relevance of learning
In this science class I learn
Relevance to students’ lives
about the world outside the
Uncertainty Provisional status of
I learn that the views of science
scientific knowledge have changed over
Critical Voice Legitimacy of expressing
It’s OK to ask the teacher,
a critical opinion “Why do we have to do this?”
Shared Control Participation in planning, I help the teacher to plan what
conducting and assessing I’m going to learn.
of learning
Student Negotiation Involvement
with other I ask other students to explain
students in assessing their ideas.
viability of new ideas
TABLE II. Factor loadings for Actual and Preferred
forms of the CLES
Item |
Loading |
No. |
Personal Relevance |
Uncertainty |
Critical Voice |
Shared Control |
Student Negotiation |
Actual |
Prefer |
Actual |
Prefer |
Actual |
Prefer |
Actual |
Prefer |
Actual |
Prefer |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
.76 .70 .59 .75 .73 .47 |
.79 .77 .68 .78 .73 - |
- - - .60 .73 .77 |
.33 .74 .67 .63 .75 .59 |
.67 .71 .77 .71 .72 .79 |
.73 .74 .81 .80 .69 .73 |
.70 .75 .74 .77 .73 .58 |
.66 .78 .77 .79 .80 .70 |
.69 .78 .79 .78 .73 .75 |
.67 .74 .78 .80 .76 .76 |
Loadings smaller than .3
TABLE III. Internal consistency (Cronbach alpha coefficient), discriminant validity (mean correlation with other scales) and ability to differentiate between classrooms for the CLES
Scale |
Version |
Alpha Reliability |
Mean Correlation with Other Scales |
ANOVA Results (eta2) |
Relevance |
Actual Preferred |
0.79 0.85 |
0.30 0.48 |
0.07** |
Uncertainty |
Actual Preferred |
0.64 0.79 |
0.26 0.47 |
0.06** |
Voice |
Actual Preferred |
0.84 0.90 |
0.24 0.45 |
0.05** |
Control |
Actual Preferred |
0.86 0.89 |
0.38 0.44 |
0.07** |
Negotiation |
Actual Preferred |
0.87 0.91 |
0.33 0.50 |
0.13** |
** p<0.01
TABLE IV. Differences between grade 10 and 11 students
Scale |
Version |
Mean |
Grade 10 |
Grade 11 |
Difference |
Effect Size |
Relevance Uncertainty Critical Voice Shared
Control Student Negotiation |
Actual Preferred Actual Preferred Actual Preferred Actual Preferred Actual Preferred |
16.57 22.40 18.02 19.12 16.96 21.03 14.09 18.02 16.38 20.21 |
15.53 22.91 18.17 19.41 16.37 21.98 12.76 17.70 14.73 19.77 |
1.04** -0.51 -0.15 -0.29 0.59 -0.96* 1.33** 0.32 1.65** 0.44 |
0.24 -0.18 0.29 0.32 |
* p<0.05
** p<0.01 *** p<0.001
TABLE V. Statistically significant associations between CLES scales (Actual form) and student attitude in terms of simple correlations (r) and standardized regression coefficients (b)
10 Grade 11 |
Scale |
r |
b |
r |
b |
Personal Relevance |
0.39*** |
0.31*** |
0.29*** |
0.30*** |
Uncertainty |
0.12* |
0.24*** |
0.13* |
Critical Voice |
0.11* |
Shared Control |
0.32*** |
0.20** |
0.19** |
Student Negotiation |
0.28*** |
0.18** |
0.17** |
Multiple Correlation, R |
0.46*** |
* p
<0.05 ** p <0.01 *** p <0.001